Англо-Русский словарь offline
Offline English-Russian dictionary
* Over 70.000 words and expressions
* Bookmark your favorite translations for fast reference
* Works offline! No internet connection needed, perfect for your trips or when no data connection is available
* Listen to the correct pronunciation in British or American English and Russian (if installed) using Android's built-in Text-to-speech synthesizer.
* Latin to Cyrillic transliteration: write Russian words using Latin characters :)
* Share translations by SMS, email, etc.
NOTE: The Russian fonts and Russian keyboard may not be available in some Android devices.
Q: How can I share a translation?
A: Just press 2-3 seconds over the translation and you will be presented with a menu with all available sharing options based on the apps installed in your device (Email, SMS, etc)
Q: How can I change the speech speed?
A: The speed of the speech is controlled by the TTS engine installed with Android. It can be set up by going to:
Settings --> Voice input & output settings --> Text to speech settings --> speech rate
Q: How can I change the speech language?
A: Just go to Menu --> Settings and select the language. Currently, 3 languages are available:
* English (US)
* English (GB)
* Russian (if installed)
The text-to-speech (TTS) technology may not be available in some devices. To check if your phone is able of speech synthesis: Menu -> Settings -> Voice input & output -> Text-to-speech settings.
If not installed, your device may ask you to install the TTS engine. An internet connection may be required. We recommend installing it before traveling as roaming data tariffs may be very expensive.
在线英语 - 俄语字典
设置 - >语音输入和输出设置 - >文本到语音设置 - >语速
答:只要进入菜单 - >设置,然后选择语言。目前,3种语言可供选择:
文本到语音(TTS)技术可能无法在一些器件中可用。要检查,如果你的手机能够语音合成:菜单 - >设置 - >语音输入和输出 - >文本到语音的设置。